MHCA_Alcohol and Drug Test

Alcohol and Drug Test

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Supporting in achieving safety and compliance

We will help you fulfil EASA requirements under AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.170(c) in regard to Alcohol and Drug Policy:
  • the operator ensures confidentiality and protection of data and
  • that the body responsible for testing should be an independent, accredited body using standard guidelines on psychoactive substance testing in line with national legislation
  • the operator handles the testing process, from the initial screening, confirmation of used methods to the handling of test results, which should be conducted by impartial and trained personnel, in order to ensure adherence to the procedure, to determine the true positives and to prevent false positives
EASA: AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.170(c) requirements:
  • The operator ensures confidentiality and protection of data and that the body responsible for testing should be an independent, accredited body using standard guidelines on psychoactive substance testing in line with national legislation
  • The operator handles the testing process, from the initial screening, confirmation of used methods to the handling of test results, which should be conducted by impartial and trained personnel, in order to ensure adherence to the procedure, to determine the true positives and to prevent false positives.